Temperature and Measurement Conversions

While most of the world uses Centigrade (also called Celsius) to measure the weather, in this country the system is Fahrenheit. To convert Centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit, you multiply the Centigrade by 1.8 and add 32. to covert degrees Fahrenheit to Centigrade, you subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit and divide by 1.8. Examples:

Celsius Fahrenheit

-17.8 = 0
0 = 32
10 = 50
15.6 = 60
21.2 = 70
26.7 = 80
32.3 = 90
100 = 212

*The normal human body temperature is 98.6F or 36.9C.


The United States (for reasons that cannot be explained) uses a system of feet and inches to measure distance, a system of pounds and ounces to measure weight, and a system of quarts and gallons to measure volume. You will most certainly be asked your height and weight numerous occasions while in the U.S. Therefore, you are encouraged to calculate these two measurements and memorize them so you can provide them when asked.

Length/Height Conversions (Feet/Inches Meters)

  • 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
  • 1 foot (12 inches) = 30.48 centimeters
  • 1 yard (3 feet) = .91 meters
  • 1 mile (5, 28- feet) = 1.6 kilometers
  • .39 inches = 1 centimeter
  • 39.37 inches (1.1 yards) = 1 meter
  • .62 or 5/8 mile = 1 kilometer

Weight Conversions (Pounds – Grams)

  • 1 once = 28.35
  • 1 pound = .45 Kilograms
  • 2.2 pounds = 1 kilogram

Volume Conversions (Quarts/Gallons Liters)

  • 1 quart (2 pints or 4 cups) dry = 1.10 liters
  • 1 quarts liquid = .95 liters
  • 1 gallon (4 quarts) dry = 4.40 liters
  • 1 gallon liquid = 3.80 liters
  • .91 quarts dry = 1 liter dry
  • 1.06 quarts liquid = 1 liter liquid
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